Monday, June 17, 2013

Dog bites take physical, emotional toll on victims

Dog bites Bridgewater runner; owner later steps forward

The first time she saw the pit bull mastiff, bounding through the parking lot of the Shady Nook on Parnell Avenue, for instance. The animal's approach toward her, her daughter and her own beloved dog, a full-blooded boxer named Dulli. The way the pit bull mastiff latched its jaws around Dulli's neck. How the dog would not let go, despite the kicks and punches to its body. Dulli's scream. "That's the sound that's hardest to get out of your head after a while," Angela Diamente tells The Journal Gazette ( ). The attack, which happened in November while Diamente was walking near the intersection of Parnell and Kenwood Avenue, left her bitten in the hands and her own dog nearly dead. And she and her dog are still feeling the effects of the attack today.
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A dog-bites-man story

It knows what I bought and when I bought it and where I was at the time. It knows my sizes and my credit card number and if it knows all that, it knows pretty much everything. I long ago sacrificed a measure of privacy for convenience. One click will do it. I also made the same sort of deal for security.
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Monday. The triathlete is used to seeing unleashed dogs when jogging the trail system. It always makes her nervous. This time, she saw a man standing by the trail with a dog sitting beside him. He held the dog by the collar.
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