Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dog bite claims fall, except for mail carriers

Dog bites take physical, emotional toll on victims

Avoid dog bites: • Get sniffed. Always let a dog see and sniff you before petting, says the USPS • Consult a trainer. You're liable for your dog's behavior, says Worters. "The most dangerous dogs are dogs that fall victim to human shortcomings such as poor training and irresponsible ownership." • Avoid angry dogs. When dogs are angry, they stand forward on their haunches, with ears forward, face tense, teeth showing, hair bristling, and tail stiff and twitching, says Kathy Voigt, founder of nonprofit Prevent the Bite.
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Cats Bite Dog on Andrew Road

In an effort to get the dog to stop biting him, the officer kicked the dog away. That's when the dog's owner attacked the officer for kicking her dog. Once she attacked the officer, the woman was tased and arrested. The dog was ok.  As for the man who was acting belligerent, we are told he was arrested as well. Both him and the dog's owner are being charged with 3rd Degree Assault.  Most Popular StoriesMost Popular Stories More>> Updated: Tuesday, June 18 2013 7:25 PM EDT2013-06-18 23:25:07 GMT UPDATE: A male driver has serious injuries, the other driver, who's a female, has life threatening injuries.
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dog bites "She kept backing up into my wife and would not let her pass. My wife looked over Shakira's shoulder and spotted this snake right on the trail exactly where she was planning her next foot strike." The behavior of both the dog and the hikers kept the snake from taking a defensive, strike position, he recounted. "Shakira did not bark or growl," Forsyth said. "She kept the snake from coiling and going on the offensive. By stopping my wife in her tracks, she prevented her from the danger. " In turn, Forsyth said he pulled Shakira back, inspected the snake and took a photo. "I saw the rattles on the end of the tail." He then tossed a few small rocks at the tail and the snake slithered off into the grass, "rattling as it left." The Matt Davis Trail (and adjoining Coastal Trail) is routed from Mountain Home to Stinson Beach, with a great trailhead en route at Pantoll. About a quarter mile east from Pantoll, amid an oak forest, is an area commons for lizards and snakes, including the rattler. Forsyth said he and his wife never saw the snake until Shakira kept them from stepping on it.
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Hero dog saves Marin hiker from rattlesnake

Shakira, the hero dog She came forward right away and admitted to being the dog's owner as details of the attack hit the news, Sites said. The dog had not been on a leash, did not have a collar and the owner was charged with possession of a dangerous animal. She pleaded guilty and has been fined $500, though it's unclear whether she's paid the fine. The owner could not be reached for comment. Bender, the education specialist for Animal Care & Control, said coming forward when a bite happens, even if you own the dog or animal, is the right thing to do. Medical officials in Fort Wayne report all bites treated at their hospitals to Animal Care & Control, as well, to ensure that they do actually get reported. It takes the pressure off of bite victims who may be afraid to report bites from a neighbor's dog or even their own dog. "What a lot of people are frightened of is if a dog bite happens, and it's reported to us, there's this misconception the dog will be taken away or even destroyed," Bender said.
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Dog Bites Spokane Police Officer; Owner Tased After Attacking Officer

PHOTO: KHQ Polsky's advice about the dog attack in California lent support to the theory that the dog's owners should have anticipated a possible attack upon the plaintiff. Under dog bite law in California , there is no "One Bite" exclusion; owners must be in control of their animals at all times. However, the fact that a dog has allegedly bitten or attacked in the past can be used to support a claim of negligence on the part of the owner if the dog bites again. Given the evidence and Dr. Polsky's advice in this dog bite in California case, the defendants chose to settle the case for their insurance policy limits of $500,000 rather than go to trial. About Richard Polsky, Ph.D.: Dr. Richard H.
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Dog Bite Expert Witness Richard Polsky Testifies in Dog Attack Case Resulting in $500K Settlement

Where arrests or charges are mentioned, it does not indicate a conviction. The following is an excerpt from the  Swampscott Police Department 's log: Monday, June 17: At 8:44 a.m., police got a report of a minor motor vehicle accident on Greenwood Avenue. Police helped with the exchange of insurance information. At 4:06 p.m., a landlord and a tenant disagreed over when the tenant was moving out of the Roy Street residence. The tenant was to stay put for now. At 6:56 p.m., a Nason Road 11-year-old reported hearing someone in the house. It turned there was a child in the back of the residence in the computer room. At 7:32 p.m., a motor vehicle was vandalized on Humphrey Street.
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